Hrrmm…Avengers: Endgame Theories


Captain Marvel is powerful, but flight, super strength and energy blasts are not going to undo “the fingersnap.” Quantum tunnels and time vortexes might.

One theory that is creeping forward in my head is that alternate timelines or earlier versions of the characters maybe involved.

Dr. Strange handed over the Time Stone surprisingly readily, despite his former assertion that he would sacrifice Tony or Peter to protect it, despite knowing/assuming that if he did hand it over to Thanos, they were all going to die anyway.

The only way to undo what Thanos did is to muck with space/time. And Scott’s got the Quantum Tunnel generator. And Janet did warn him about “Time Vortexes.”

In the preview, we saw a very different version of Clint. His Ronin personae. If it was just a traumatized Clint because his family died, what is he doing killing Yakuza (or something like) in Japan? And why is BW so shocked?

This is a thing comics books have done before (rarely, but it has been done): A possibility is that Cap and BW go back in time or to alternate timelines to recruit earlier or alternate versions of characters. Hence Shuri being listed among the missing, but the cast saying she’s in the movie.

Though it has been confirmed that our favorite God of Mischief is, in fact, dead.

I just love the idea of “Scott Lang – Savior of the Universe.” Talk about unlikeliest of heroes.  In the middle of all these archetypes, Scott is probably the most human hero in the MCU.