Women Who Value Political Party Over Their Own Rights and Knowing History

I was cruising along through my morning, coffee, Facebook, games, news, when this article grabbed my attention.

Some Women are Happy to Let the March Pass Them By

And while I was willing to listen to what they had to say as a viewpoint that has some validity even if I don’t agree with it, these women demonstrated that this viewpoint has no validity.

“They would criticize me more,” she says. “Even if I’d win a race, they would say, ‘Why did you do this? Why did you drive that method?’ I would answer, ‘Well, I won, didn’t I?’” When it became clear that “most owners won’t search out a woman driver,” she says she didn’t “complain about it, I just drove my own horses and showed them.”

O.K., how can one claim say that “women are equal” in the workplace after experiencing that?

I mean, both my Grandmothers worked and they just got on with it and did it, but I doubt either one would claim there was equality in the workplace. My father’s mother worked “solo” jobs. As an encyclopedia salesman and then as a real estate agent. (And she and Grampa opened a restaurant together.) My mother’s mother was a lawyer, but that was an unusual profession where women started entering in the mid 1800’s. But even today women are under-represented in trial law.

“All this moaning that people need to change their thinking, or that the government needs to intervene, that’s just people with too much time on their hands and they’re too far away from reality,” she says.”


“Arnett goes further still. “I do not believe a woman should be president of this country,” she says. “If a woman is president, even runs for president, then we are now a weaker country in the eyes of North Korea and those kinds of places and they are going to attack.”

Excuse me?

So you want women to stop whining about equality while trying to make sure that equality never exists.

And in terms of foreign policy we have the weakest President since Carter, weaker actually since Carter did not spend his time licking the boots of aggressive, murderous tyrants (Putin, the Saudi Royal Family, Kim Jong Un) like Trump does. She’s worried about North Korea if a woman becomes President? We currently have a President that saluted Korean Generals, said he and Kim Jong Un were “in love,” and has done jack shit to stop North Korea’s nuclear program, despite them firing a missile at our ally, Japan. In fact, he wants the U.S. to pull out of South Korea, leaving it undefended against attack from a rogue nation.

And she thinks a woman is going to be “weaker” than that?

“I don’t think women should be in the Senate or the House either,” Arnett continues, rejecting mention of studies showing that the more women in a governing body, the more collegial and bipartisan it can be. “The more women in the room the more drama,” she counters. “If there’s less women in the room, men can get the job done quicker.”

Really, because it was all men that took 85 years, a violent assault on the floor of Congress, and one a war that claimed more American lives than any other we have been in to get rid of slavery which everyone knew was a problem since the First Constitutional Convention.

No, men don’t get things done faster, and they don’t do it with less drama.

So this woman does not actually think she is equal or else she would want equal representation in her government. She likes being lesser than men and has no desire for women to have any power. She sexist against her own sex.

“I am sick of Hollywood running the world,” says Ruman. “It might hit closer to home if these were hard-working women that I can relate to.”

I don’t know how they think “Hollywood runs the world.” I don’t get that. Why? Because James Woods has three Twitter followers? Because Tim Allen’s show was cancelled?

Hey, Firefly was cancelled after 13 episodes. Joss Whedon did not whine about it being a political hit job.

You know what rules Hollywood?


Not politics.


It’s a freaking Industry folks, what do you expect? Do you really think they would skip out on a highly profitable venture if it has a conservative theme? Hell no. Would they have made a film about Margaret Thatcher starring Meryl Streep if Hollywood was a liberal totalitarian society? Hell no.

But they did because $$$$$.

Here’s a list of films that conservatives have claimed to contain conservative themes.

Though some of the claims are ridiculous, based solely on imagining liberalism as everything bad in the world therefore a film that shows “bravery” is “conservative.” ***But it’s obvious that their complaints about Hollywood being “ruled by liberals” is a hypocrisy to be trotted out when it’s convenient.***

And working as a professional actor is hard, and they do portray hard working women.

Her problem is when they portray hardworking women in equal terms with men.

I mean, how can one call the Hunger Games “liberal,” when it’s main character is a hard working girl from a coal mining town fighting against tyranny?

Or do women like her see fighting tyranny as a “liberal” activity?

“I was a truck driver, I worked in factories, I have done sexual harassment to men just like it’s been done to me,” Arnett recalls. “I would say, ‘Ooh, I’d like to try him on for size.’ Women do it too.”

Well, sexist twit, not every woman is you. Perhaps they are married and do not feel comfortable being hit on. Perhaps they just want to work and not feel like their job is a meat market. Maybe they don’t want to feel their career depends on them silently taking sexual comments or even “servicing” their boss.

“Women are more bleeding hearts about issues where that’s dangerous,” says Ruman. “For instance, I know all about the meat industry and how regulations have gone too far.”

I’ve seen multiple videos from several journalists and Humane Society investigators and activists going undercover at several meat processing plants in the meat industry and it’s horrific. There is no other word for it, whether you are a man or a woman. It’s shocking. You would have to be a sociopath to think that kind of cruelty is o.k.. (You can go look for them if you want your day completely ruined and have nightmares.) I’d say regulations have not gone far enough. We don’t have to end meat production, but the regulations need to be in place to make it a more humane practice because right now it’s a horror show. Such as lambs are sometimes cut up alive. After their throats are slit, sometimes the workers don’t wait for the lambs to die before they are carved up. And being distressed by this is being a “bleeding heart” who has made “regulations go too far?”

Hey Ruman, did it ever occur to you that you’re a sociopathic cunt?

And if she is referring to regulations about keeping meat safe for sale, does she not care about the public?

The testimony by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford accusing then Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault while in high school?

“Innocent until proven guilty,” Fisher said. “I didn’t see them prove the guilt.”

“Don’t come out 20 years after the incident, don’t wait 20 years to grow some balls,” said Arnett. “Come out when it happens.”

Given how badly the Justice System handles rape, with rape kits sitting for a over decade so the trial can come and go without the most important physical evidence being presented. And still in this day and age, the victims are on trial more than the attackers (sometimes driving them to suicide). Judges condemn them. And after going through all that hell, rapists walk free or are given ridiculously lenient sentences, even if they are caught in the act.

And that is in this day and age, and she’s wondering why women didn’t come forward 20 years ago? Women have second thoughts about coming forward now.

I was raped in 1989 before there was even the concept of “date rape.” I thought because I was in his apartment willingly, no one would believe that I had been forcibly sodomized. So I never went to the cops.

Does that make me a liar?

The Women’s March?

“What I saw was women disgustedly showing off their vaginas, going braless, showing their breasts,” said Fisher. “They were not marching for me.”

The march took place in January, so I don’t think many women were running around flashing people. In fact, I can’t find any reports of them doing so.

NYC has a “Go Topless” march in August, but that is not the Women’s March in Washington.

So where does she even get such information? Where did she supposedly “see” something that did not happen?

Or was she told that it “happened” by a heavily biased news outlet that tells their viewers what to believe?

“When asked about the Access Hollywood tape in which Donald Trump was heard boasting that because he was a star he could touch women in intimate ways, all of the half-dozen women interviewed did not immediately recognize the reference.

“I’m not sure I saw that one,” says Arnett.

“‘Access Hollywood’? I don’t know enough about that to give you an answer,” says Darlene Fisher, 64, who runs an antique mall near the border of Minnesota and South Dakota. “I am not at all familiar with the tape.”

An American would have had to have their head deliberately stuck under a rock to not have seen that tape. It was everywhere and discussed right up until the election.

Once reminded, she replied, “I am more suspicious of Bill Clinton than I am of Trump. I saw pictures of Joe Biden having his hand on women’s parts that he had no right to have. What about Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton? Those facts are being ignored.”

First of all:


Only y’know, Bill Clinton instead of Hillary.

And no. It was never ignored. In fact, it turned Bill Clinton into a lame duck President that last two years of his presidency. Bill Clinton lost his license to practice law for committing perjury about his affair with Lewinsky.


The newly elected women sitting together and celebrating at the State of the Union address last month?

“I watched because I am very interested in history and government and always have been,” Fariello says. “Not to watch some women act disrespectful.”

Wearing white is now “disrespectful?” That’s sort of like “When did kneeling become ‘disrespectful?'”

When the Alt Right needed it to be for their “liberals or anyone who rocks the WASP boat are anti-American” narrative.

And the tribute to the suffragette movement, that swath of women wearing white?

“That’s rude after Labor Day, it’s not fashionable,” Arnett quipped.

So? Is fashion (old fashion that most millennials don’t even know about) supposed to dictate what a woman is allowed to say?

“So what, the KKK dressed in white,” said Fisher. “They are tearing the nation apart. That’s what I saw, and I can’t understand how anyone else didn’t see it.”

Maybe because that was not what was happening. Maybe only you saw it because you are so scared of women being in power, you think of it as “tearing this nation apart,” So scared that you equate suffragists, the women who fought for YOUR right to vote, to the KKK.

Now these appalling women are a minority, but they are a frightening minority of self hating misogynists that frankly are shocking that they exist in a developed nation in this day and age. I can see not agreeing that pay equity is a problem or being “pro-life,” but this is outright hatred of their own sex based on a ill informed political factionalism.


What the Fucking Shit!?! Trump Tries to Sell Nuclear Technology to Saudi Arabia

House launches probe of US nuclear plan in Saudi Arabia

“Previous negotiations for US nuclear technology ended after Saudi Arabia refused to agree to safeguards against using the tech for weaponry, but the Trump administration may not see these safeguards as mandatory, ProPublica reported.

Critics say giving Saudi Arabia access to US nuclear technology would spark a dangerous arms race in the volatile region.”

No shit Sherlock.

I notice in this article they determinedly do not mention Israel, who is about to have the biggest cow in decades. I wonder how they will feel about the Trump administration and American Republican party, normally their staunchest allies in the U.S., after this?

What does the report say?

The House report is based on whistleblower accounts and documents showing communications between Trump administration officials and nuclear power companies.

It states that “within the US, strong private commercial interests have been pressing aggressively for the transfer of highly sensitive nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia”.

These commercial entities could “reap billions of dollars through contracts associated with constructing and operating nuclear facilities in Saudi Arabia”.

Mr Trump is reportedly “directly engaged in the effort”.

The White House has yet to comment on the report.

The report includes a timeline of events and names other administration officials who have been involved with the matter, including Energy Secretary Rick Perry, Mr Kushner, Mr Trump’s inaugural committee chairman Tom Barrack and former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

Flynn was found guilty of lying about Russian contacts by special counsel Robert Mueller as a part of the inquiry into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

The commercial entities implicated in the report are:

  • IP3 International, a private company led by ex-military officers and security officials that organised a group of US companies to build “dozens of nuclear power plants” in Saudi Arabia
  • ACU Strategic Partners, a nuclear power consultancy led by British-American Alex Copson
  • Colony NorthStar, Mr Barrack’s real estate investment firm
  • Flynn Intel Group, a consultancy and lobby set up by Michael Flynn

The report states that Flynn had decided to develop IP3’s nuclear initiative, the Middle East Marshall Plan, during his transition, and while he was still serving as an advisor for the company.

In January 2017, National Security Council staff began to raise concerns that these plans were inappropriate and possibly illegal, and that Flynn had a potentially criminal conflict of interest.

Following Flynn’s dismissal, however, IP3 continued to push for the Middle East Plans to be presented to Mr Trump.

According to the report, one senior official said the proposal was “a scheme for these generals to make some money”.

And this is my surprised face. 😐

There has already been a suit against Trump for violating the Emoluments Clause for keeping his businesses while President. I think that another suit needs to be filed, post haste, before he destroys the world for fun and profit.


If You Believe in Taxation *with* Representation, Fight Trump!

The fact is what Trump is trying to do, declaring a National Emergency where there is none so he can seize funds repeatedly denied to him by Congress is a violation of the Separation of Powers.

Congress holds the government pursetrings. The only way the President can use the National Emergencies Act (which was greatly curtailed in 1974 after Nixon to avoid Presidential abuse) to seize money is if it is a military emergency (and Trump has promised to take some of the money out of the military budget). But he will have to prove it is a military emergency and Congress can end any “State of Emergency” anytime it wants.

What Trump is trying to do is take your tax dollars and use them for something your representatives have refused him.

Taxation without representation.

We had a Revolutionary War over that, remember?

So contact your Congress critters now!



So We’re Living in Bizarro World

So as our government shut-down enters it’s third week, Trump refuses to back down because of his ego.

First he claimed that the 800,000 federal employees he has stopped paying were in favor of the wall and so making the sacrifice willingly.

Then after this poll came out, he said he didn’t care if they were out of work, they were all Democrats anyway.

And to cap is off, he said that a wall is necessary to keep us safe from terrorists.

O.K., putting aside the fact that most terrorists are caught in airports, not at our southern border.

Putting aide that of all the “Travel Bans,” Trump never banned travel to and from the country that has actually sent us the most terrorists and funds the most terrorism (while it’s not murdering journalists): Saudi Arabia. (And if you remember, the 9/11 terrorists, who were mostly Saudi, entered this country legally on tourist visas.)

(Not to mention, most of the terrorist acts between 9/11 and now have been committed by gold ol’ white boy alt right conservative American citizens. So how do we build a wall around them?)

Putting aside the fact that most illegal immigrants enter the country under tourist and work visas and then overstay (*cough*First Lady*cough*). That drug cartels already tunnel under or fly over and sail around the border. That illegal immigrants also arrive on our coast lines.

So a wall is going to do fuck-all to stop any of this…

…Trump’s government shut down means Border Patrol is not being paid (%80 are working at the behest of the Department of Homeland Security, but no pay). INS, customs officials and airport security are not being paid. And the U.S. Coast Guard, who guards our coats from drug traffickers and illegal immigrants arriving over water, is the one branch of the military not being paid.

(And they also were the one branch of the military whose budget Trump cut as soon as he came into office.)

So these people, and their families, are getting along on half income (if they are a two income household) or no income for three weeks now.

And they can’t even use vacation pay to cover this.

It is just wrong to hold people’s livelihoods hostage for a political stunt. Egregiously wrong.

But how long until they quit to get a job that will pay them money to live on? And who can blame them for wanting to get out of a workplace that treats them as hostages to political whims?

So, in short, in order to “make us safe from criminals and terrorists,” Trump has opened the gate wide for terrorists and criminals to enter the country.

Bizarro World.

And just to prove that Trump and his administration are complete assholes: Trump Officials will get $10K Raises after January 5th.

However, there is a ray of light in all this. Not all our elected representative of hypocritical monsters.:

Lawmakers diverting pay in solidarity with shutdown employees


Go Vote, Millennial! Go Vote!


I am a member of Generation  X. Socially we made a big splash, but politically our numbers were too small to have great influence.

Hence all the old white guys in Congress sitting on their fat asses collecting lobbyist money.

Millenials are the largest generation in American history.

You are the most educated.

You are more informed than Boomer’s have given you credit for.

(Some of you anyway.)

You have the future of this nation in your hands, and potential power to decide who the United States is going to be in the 21st century.


Find your Polling Place

P.S. The paraphrased quote in the title is mistakenly attributed to Horace Greeley. But it was  John Babsone Lane Soule in the Terre Haute Express who said “Go West young man! Go West!” Greeley lifted and paraphrased it. 🙂

Ratcheting the Fearmongering Up to 11

Trump (metaphorically) claims we’d all be raped in our beds if he doesn’t get to kill the refugees or shove them into concentration camps.

“If you don’t want America to be overrun by masses of illegal aliens and giant caravans, you better vote Republican.”

“Women want security. Women don’t want them in our country. You look at what the women are looking for: They want to have security.”

I’m a woman. I live on my own.

I have a pussy.

I *am not* a pussy you hypocritical sexual-predator fuck.

I have no problem with people seeking asylum to escape violence and make a better life for the family.

Because the last time we slammed the door on fleeing refugees?

The Jewish Refugees the U.S. Turned Away

It’s not the Holocaust again (yet), but these people are fleeing countries completely corrupted by drug trafficking and rife with violence. Their situation is so bad they will take their kids and walk over 2,000 miles to try to build a better life.

More power to them, I say.

Bigotry Everyday in the U.S..

I mean this shit is happening every fucking day now. Every. Day.

Woman Arrested After Leaving Threatening Note For Family Who Just Moved Into Her ‘All White Neighborhood’

Same week as this…

Cops called for Student Using Campus Library While Black

After this…

Wannabe ‘Hot’ Person Threatens Two Women for Waiting for AAA While Black.

(At least social media and private businesses are showing social disapproval at such bigotry.)

The me of only ten years ago could not even imagine this happening in their country, let alone Every Day.

If we try to look at it in the most benevolent terms, they’re trying to drag us back to the glory days of KKK lynchings and the “Lavender Scare,” just without the high taxes that helped build our infrastructure and the economy boom, and without fair wages which a family could live on.

If we look at in context of all the other attacks on minorities, on immigrants (not just illegal migrants, they are going after legal immigrants as well), and purging of the military of immigrants. (which is right out of the fascist playbook), the fear mongering over immigrants, calling them “an invasion” (I somehow don’t think “invader” would walk over 1,000 miles, with their kids, telegraphing their moves months in advance).

Trump has even ordered troops to fire on immigrants seeking asylum if they throw rocks.

And here is he doubling down, preparing us for when he orders our military to open fire on refugees with children. “They had rocks and I told you rocks are the same as rifles!”

Fortunately the USMCJ (United States Military Code of Justice) does not allow “I was just following orders” as a defense if a service member violates intentional law, like firing on unarmed (rocks don’t count as “arms,” just ask any Second Amendment advocate) civilians with children. So hopefully if that order does come down from the White House, it will be refused by service members with moral compasses and consciences.

Of course, the use of excessive force on protestors is sadly all too common, but as a history major, I am reminded of one of the first times in this nation’s history in which armed troops fired on people throwing rocks.

It was the Boston Massacre, a watershed event in the beginning of our nation.

Only now *we’re* the Redcoats. And we don’t even know if they are going to throw rocks, but Trump wants us scared and prepared if these rock-throwing invaders attempt to take on our military. *rolls eyes*

Add to that the attacks on the press to the point of calling it “the enemy of the people” which have incited physical attacks. Hypocritically, the same people screaming “Fake News!” and believing the Press to be an “Enemy of the People” and that are o.k. with bombs being sent to CNN, are the same people who condemned all of Islam for the extremist Muslims who attacked press offices for printing images of Mohamed.

Then add to that the attacks on the Constitution; On the Separation of Powers (Trump acting as prosecutor, jury and judge on immigrants also is possible violation of the Separation of Powers, as well the multiple Due Process Clauses) on the First, Fourth, Eighth and now 14th Amendments  (and a suggested attack on the Second.) And he’s in violation of the Emolument’s Clause.

The inciting of violence and support of alt-right hate groups (can you imagine the outrage if  if any President before this had spoken at a hate group meeting?) and domestic terrorists by the President and many in the Republican Party, the President himself spreading conspiracy theories and blatant lies that his followers eat up, no matter how ridiculous (my recent favorite was when a Trump supporter who claimed Trump’s 2017 Tax Plan *increased* taxes on the wealthy, which means someone in the Trump echo chamber, that blatant lie has believers), the open embracing of the label “Nationalist” by Trump and his followers, even when they know what it means (as opposed to “Patriot”) and it’s historical context.

And we have decent into 1930’s Germany.


Elections: Why you Always Read the Entire Law or Amendment Before You Vote!

With our upcoming Mid-Term Elections, North Carolina has six ballot measures.

One of them is “The Right to Hunt and Fish.”

Well, this is odd. Who is threatening anyone’s right to hunt and fish in North Carolina?

No one. Though the mere existence of a bill labeled this in a conservative state is enough to frighten the gerrymandered conservative “majority” into believing “them libruls” are out to stop hunting and fishing the entire state of North Carolina for all time.

No one has suggested any such thing.

Christ, we’re one of the last states that legally allows hunters to use dogs for hunting. I’m not kidding, they stand in a field with their trucks, let the dogs loose and then wait for the dogs to chase a deer in front of them. Then they all shoot like it and it sounds like World War fucking II. (I read one account in a hunting magazine where one hunter was so proud that it took six shots, three with a shot gun, to bring down a buck the dogs chased in front of him. Six. And I have spoken with cooks and such at the local farmers market and they say that after a deer has been chased a mile, the meat isn’t fit for anything but mince. I come from a state of stand hunters who know how to drop a deer in two, preferably one so it never knew what hit it. And if you can’t drop it in two, get the hell out of the woods. Anyway…)

No one is threatening anyone’s right to hunt in North Carolina.

So what’s the scam?

“The right of the people to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife is a valued part of the State’s heritage and shall be forever preserved for the public good. The people have a right, including the right to use traditional methods, to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife, subject only to laws enacted by the General Assembly and rules adopted pursuant to authority granted by the General Assembly to (i) promote wildlife conservation and management and (ii) preserve the future of hunting and fishing. Public hunting and fishing shall be a preferred means of managing and controlling wildlife. Nothing herein shall be construed to modify any provision of law relating to trespass, property rights, or eminent domain.”

Catch that?

“Public hunting and fishing shall be a preferred means of managing and controlling wildlife.”

In short, conservation groups, fish and game departments, national and state parks will all be overridden in favor of what hunters want.

And I have seen enough poaching this state to know that will be destructive as hell.

It also means open season on of the world most endangered canids, with approximately only 50 left in the wild. Red Wolf The Red Wolf

The biggest threat to Red Wolves remains hunters who hate them for supposedly making the deer cagey and harder to hunt. Red Wolves do not run in packs, but in pairs or solitary, so they can not run down big game that a Wolf Pack could. They usually only eat small animals like rabbits and opossums, yet hunters see them as competition. (Boo f-ing Hoo, you guys get to use dogs to hunt deer you lazy sons of bitches, what are you complaining about?) And the Department of the Interior wants to make it legal to hunt Red Wolves again. 

It’s funny, people get (justly) outraged about the population of big game animals in free fall in Africa, but they can’t be bothered to help an animal facing extinction in their backyard. Even when many of the people around it would be happy killing it off forever because of their own selfish desires.

So that is an example of why you need to read the entire text of a law before you vote on it. It’s those single sentences buried in the text, or some unmentioned rider, that can change everything in ways you had no idea were voting for.